Gota comes from Argentina's Esteros del Ibera, the second biggest wetland of the world, after the Brazilian Pantanal. The name Iberá comes from a Guaraní word that means "brilliant water". The Guaraní Aquifer is estimated to contain about 37,000 km³ of water, arguably the largest single body of groundwater in the world, with a total recharge rate of about 166 km³/year from precipitation.
Faithful to its motto, “Be true. Feel Beautiful. Do Good”, Gota intends to raise consciousness and contribute to the vision of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. The brand allocates part of its revenues to finance programs that facilitate access and potabilization for those who need it most in Argentina and other parts of the world.
Gota's packaging respects premises of environmental care and recycling. All the packaging components are 100% recyclable and come from the pharmaceutical industry.
And just a comment re water: with the significant water reserves in Argentina, one has to wonder how there are 297.232 people in Argentina's cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo who do not have access to drinking water. I know, it doesn't make any sense.