Photo: "hot springs" by Ryan McGinley
The concept of a bon vivant is associated with the idea of leading a good life, to live well. But what is to live well?
The other day I read an article on LNR where they talked about the good life with Argentinian chef, Mallmann.
For some, the concept of a bon vivant is overly idealized. It means having a life of luxury, 5 star travels, eating at expensive restaurants, buying big brands, a socially important status and collecting art.
For me, that sounds about right, but I also think a good life is related to living life with passion and intensity. To find the beauty in whatever you do. Whether it’s appreciating a painting, feeling the music with your eyes closed, reading, enjoying a good meal, the smell a flower, dancing, visiting a new place, laughing with a friend, reaching a goal and celebrating the love you receive and that you give every day.
That's also happiness.
In this article that I read, Mallman said something that I'd like to share:
The concept of a bon vivant is associated with the idea of leading a good life, to live well. But what is to live well?
The other day I read an article on LNR where they talked about the good life with Argentinian chef, Mallmann.
For some, the concept of a bon vivant is overly idealized. It means having a life of luxury, 5 star travels, eating at expensive restaurants, buying big brands, a socially important status and collecting art.
For me, that sounds about right, but I also think a good life is related to living life with passion and intensity. To find the beauty in whatever you do. Whether it’s appreciating a painting, feeling the music with your eyes closed, reading, enjoying a good meal, the smell a flower, dancing, visiting a new place, laughing with a friend, reaching a goal and celebrating the love you receive and that you give every day.
That's also happiness.
In this article that I read, Mallman said something that I'd like to share:
A bon vivant "is a person who tries to live romantically, a person who likes to live each day the best way possible. It has to do with your mood, with who you are, with the time of the year, the clothes you like to wear, where you go, what you eat...”
When I was writing this post, I also ran into this definition: "a bon vivant is someone who can say, I live very well, my children are alright, I am not the richest but I can still do pretty much everything that I want to do; I have a partner who has always loved me and who I love and have fun with, I have achieved most of my goals and I'm satisfied"
Finally, I leave you with the definition that Coco Chanel gave when they asked her: "what is fashion?"
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
Well said Coco! I love this definition of fashion and I find that it has much to do with the concept of a bon vivant. But more importantly, what is it to you?
Enjoy today!
Post by: Valeria Mendez Cañas