Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Time Paradox: Why Time is the Most Precious Commodity

Time, an intangible yet finite resource, holds a paramount position in our lives. Today we'll talk about  the concept of time as our most precious commodity, exploring its significance in personal growth, relationships, achievement, and overall well-being. We'll discuss the human tendency to undervalue time, to want to rush through things, missing out on the importance each day holds; We'll examine the cultural and psychological aspects of time perception, and emphasizes the necessity of conscious time management to unlock its true potential.

Time is a universal constant, indifferent to human affairs, and yet it is the most precious and finite resource we possess. In an era defined by relentless technological advancements and an unceasing pursuit of productivity, it is essential to reflect on the value of time and its multifaceted significance in our lives.

The Intrinsic Value of Time

Time holds intrinsic value because it is irreplaceable. Money, possessions, and material wealth can be regained or accumulated, but once time is spent, it can never be recovered. This uniqueness endows time with an unparalleled worth.

Personal Growth and Development

Time is the crucible of personal growth and development. It allows individuals to learn, adapt, and evolve. Every moment spent in the pursuit of knowledge, skills, and self-improvement is an investment in one's future well-being. One should also enjoy the process. 

Relationships and Bonds

Time is the currency of relationships. Meaningful connections, whether familial, romantic, or friendly, are nurtured through the investment of time. Shared experiences, laughter, and conversations are the threads that weave the tapestry of strong and lasting relationships.

Achievement and Success

Time is the essential ingredient in the recipe for achievement and success. It enables the setting and pursuit of goals, the acquisition of expertise, and the realization of dreams. Without the passage of time, personal and professional accomplishments would remain elusive.

The Paradox of Undervaluation

Ironically, while time is universally acknowledged as invaluable, many individuals undervalue it in practice. Procrastination, mindless distractions, and a lack of mindful time management are common manifestations of this paradox. We often squander time on trivial matters, oblivious to the potential for meaningful and productive use.

Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Time Perception

Cultural and psychological factors significantly influence our perception of time. Some cultures prioritize leisure and present-moment experiences, while others emphasize punctuality and future planning. Psychological concepts like "time orientation" and "delay discounting" shed light on our individual approaches to time.

The Necessity of Conscious Time Management

To harness the full potential of time, conscious time management is imperative. Prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and practicing time allocation are strategies that help individuals make the most of this precious commodity.


In the grand tapestry of existence, time is the most precious thread. It is the medium through which we create our life stories, develop our identities, grow professionally and cherish our relationships. Recognizing the profound significance of time and actively managing it with mindfulness is the key to unlocking its true potential and living a life that is rich with purpose and fulfillment. Time is finite, but the opportunities it offers are boundless.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Business psychology - Why Executives Are Turning to Psychologists

In an ever-evolving corporate landscape, CEOs and top executives are under constant pressure to lead their organizations toward success. As the complexity of the business world continues to grow, more and more CEOs are recognizing the value of partnering with psychologists to gain insights into human behavior, decision-making, and well-being. Today we'll talk about some of the reasons behind the increasing trend of CEOs working closely with psychologists and the benefits that such collaborations can bring to both the individual executives and their organizations.

Navigating High-Stress Environments

CEOs operate in high-stress environments, making critical decisions that can affect their companies, employees, and stakeholders. The pressure to perform consistently at a high level can lead to burnout, anxiety, and even mental health issues. Psychologists can provide valuable support among other things by helping CEOs uncover their true passions and potential, develop effective communication skills, stress management strategies, coping mechanisms, and emotional resilience.

Decision-Making and Behavioral Insights

Psychologists are experts in human behavior, decision-making processes, and cognitive biases. By working closely with psychologists, CEOs gain access to a wealth of knowledge about how people think, make choices, and respond to various stimuli. This understanding can help executives make more informed and effective decisions, whether in marketing, product development, or team management.

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Successful leadership is not just about strategic thinking; it also involves emotional intelligence. Psychologists can assist CEOs in developing their emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal skills. These qualities can improve their ability to inspire and lead their teams, foster collaboration, and handle difficult conversations with employees and stakeholders.

Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics

CEOs often deal with complex interpersonal issues within their organizations. Psychologists can provide guidance on resolving conflicts, improving team dynamics, and promoting a positive work culture. By facilitating effective communication and conflict resolution, psychologists help maintain a healthy workplace and reduce potential disruption.

Personal Development and Goal Achievement

Psychologists can assist CEOs in setting personal and professional goals and provide strategies for achieving them. This partnership can be instrumental in helping executives clarify their vision and values, align their actions with their goals, and maintain a sense of purpose.

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Psychologists can contribute to strategic planning by offering unique perspectives on customer behavior, market trends, and emerging technologies. Their insights can be a valuable resource for CEOs as they navigate the ever-changing business landscape and seek new opportunities for innovation and growth.

The Well-Being of the CEO

Psychologists play a crucial role in enhancing the overall well-being of CEOs. By addressing mental health and work-life balance, they contribute to the executive's personal happiness and satisfaction, which, in turn, has a positive impact on their decision-making, leadership, and organizational performance.


The increasing trend of CEOs collaborating with psychologists reflects a recognition of the multifaceted challenges and responsibilities they face in their roles during these rapidly changing times. This partnership benefits not only the individual executives but also their organizations, as it contributes to improved decision-making, effective leadership, conflict resolution, and overall well-being. The insights and support of psychologists have become an invaluable asset in the corporate world, offering CEOs the guidance and tools they need to thrive in a competitive, high-stress environment while fostering a healthier, more productive workplace.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Navigating the Labyrinth of Narcissism: Blog Tips on How to Recognize and Address the Disorder

Narcissism, a complex personality trait that exists along a spectrum, can have significant implications for an individual's well-being and relationships. This psychology blog intends to help with some tips on how to recognize and address narcissism effectively. We'll explore in a simple way the various facets of narcissistic behavior, the challenges it poses, and offer practical advice on how to manage and engage with individuals who exhibit narcissistic traits.


Narcissism, often associated with self-absorption and a grandiose self-image, is a multifaceted personality trait that can manifest in various forms. Understanding narcissism is essential for individuals, whether in personal or professional relationships, as it can have far-reaching consequences. This blog entry hopes to provide some tips on recognizing narcissistic behavior and navigating interactions with individuals who exhibit these traits.

Tip 1: Understanding the Spectrum

Narcissism is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It exists along a spectrum, with healthy narcissism on one end and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) on the other. Healthy narcissism involves self-confidence and a positive self-image, while NPD entails an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy. Recognizing where an individual falls on this spectrum is the first step in addressing narcissistic behavior.

Tip 2: Identifying Common Traits

Narcissistic individuals often exhibit a range of recognizable traits, including a constant need for admiration, a sense of entitlement, manipulation, and a lack of empathy. They may be excessively preoccupied with their own achievements, belittling others in the process. Identifying these behaviors can help you distinguish narcissistic traits.

Tip 3: Self-Care Is Key

Dealing with narcissistic individuals can be emotionally draining. It's essential to prioritize self-care to maintain your mental and emotional well-being. Set boundaries and take time for yourself to recharge when engaging with such individuals.

Tip 4: Effective Communication

When communicating with narcissistic individuals, it's crucial to be clear, concise, and assertive. Avoid emotional reactions or confrontation. Stick to the facts, and express your needs and boundaries calmly and assertively.

Tip 5: Seek Professional Help

Addressing narcissism often requires the expertise of a mental health professional. If you suspect someone has NPD, or if narcissistic behavior is causing distress in your life, consider seeking therapy or counseling for yourself and potentially for the individual exhibiting these traits.

Tip 6: Encourage Self-Reflection

In some cases, narcissistic individuals may benefit from self-reflection. Gently encourage them to explore their behavior and its impact on themselves and others. This approach may lead to personal growth and positive change.

Tip 7: Practice Empathy

While narcissistic individuals may struggle with empathy, practicing empathy on your end can help de-escalate conflicts and foster understanding. Empathy doesn't mean enabling their behavior but rather understanding their underlying insecurities.


Narcissism is a multifaceted and complex personality trait that can affect various aspects of our lives. By understanding the spectrum of narcissism, identifying common traits, prioritizing self-care, practicing effective communication, seeking professional help when necessary, and encouraging self-reflection, we can navigate interactions with narcissistic individuals more effectively. While addressing narcissism can be challenging, these tips offer guidance on recognizing and managing this complex personality trait.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Koichiro Oka's Insights on the Health Implications of Prolonged Sitting

In our increasingly digital and deskbound world, prolonged sitting has become the norm for many individuals. Koichiro Oka, a renowned professor at Waseda University in Tokyo, has devoted his research to understanding the detrimental consequences of this sedentary lifestyle on human health. His work highlights the need for society to recognize and address the risks associated with too much sitting, underscoring the significance of finding a balance between work, leisure, and physical activity.

The Health Implications of Excessive Sitting

Professor Oka's research has revealed a host of health implications associated with prolonged sitting, including:

2.1. Cardiovascular Risks: Prolonged sitting is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. It leads to reduced blood flow and metabolic abnormalities, which can contribute to these health problems.

2.2. Musculoskeletal Issues: Sitting for extended periods places excessive strain on the spine, leading to back pain and postural issues. Additionally, it can contribute to weakened muscles and reduced joint mobility.

2.3. Metabolic Effects: Prolonged sitting can negatively impact glucose metabolism, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. It also hampers the body's ability to burn calories efficiently, potentially leading to weight gain and obesity.

2.4. Mental Health: Sedentary behavior has been associated with an increased risk of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Lack of physical activity can negatively affect mood and overall psychological well-being.

2.5. Cancer Risk: Emerging research suggests a link between excessive sitting and an increased risk of certain types of cancer, including colon and endometrial cancers.

Strategies to Mitigate the Risks

To combat the health implications of prolonged sitting, Professor Oka and other health experts advocate the following strategies:

3.1. Regular Physical Activity: Incorporating regular exercise and physical activity into daily routines is crucial. Even brief periods of movement, such as taking short breaks to stretch or walk, can help counteract the adverse effects of sitting.

3.2. Ergonomic Workstations: Creating ergonomically designed workspaces can alleviate some of the musculoskeletal problems associated with prolonged sitting. This includes using adjustable desks and chairs that promote good posture.

3.3. Mindful Sitting: Being mindful of one's sitting habits is essential. Individuals should aim to stand up, stretch, and move around at regular intervals throughout the day. Simple changes in sitting behavior, such as using stability balls or standing desks, can also be beneficial.

3.4. Reduced Sedentary Leisure Time: Limiting leisure activities that involve sitting, such as watching TV or playing video games, is another effective strategy. Encouraging more active hobbies and pastimes can make a substantial difference.


Koichiro Oka's research underscores the urgent need to address the health implications of excessive sitting in contemporary society. Prolonged sitting is no longer a mere inconvenience but a significant risk to our physical and mental well-being. It is essential for individuals, workplaces, and policymakers to recognize the importance of regular physical activity and the integration of movement into daily routines.

As we navigate the modern world, we must heed Professor Oka's insights and strive to strike a healthier balance between the conveniences of technology and the vital necessity of physical activity. By taking these steps, we can work towards a future where sedentary living no longer poses a grave threat to our health and well-being.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Skills for Tomorrow's Leaders: Navigating a Complex World

The role of leaders in today's rapidly evolving and interconnected world is more critical than ever. To be effective in the face of complex challenges, tomorrow's leaders must possess a unique set of skills that extend beyond traditional leadership traits. Today, we'll talk about essential skills for tomorrow's leaders, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, emotional intelligence, digital literacy, and a commitment to ethical leadership. We'll also discuss how these skills can be cultivated and honed, ultimately shaping the leaders of the future.


In a world characterized by rapid change and uncertainty, adaptability is paramount. Leaders must not only cope with change but also thrive in it. This entails an open-minded approach, a willingness to embrace new perspectives, and an ability to pivot and make informed decisions in response to unforeseen circumstances.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) encompasses self-awareness, empathy, interpersonal skills, and the ability to manage emotions effectively. Leaders with high EI can connect with their teams, understand their needs, and foster positive working relationships. This, in turn, enhances team cohesion, trust, and overall organizational performance.

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is no longer a niche skill; it is a foundational competency for leaders in the modern era. Tomorrow's leaders need to be well-versed in digital technologies, data analysis, cybersecurity, and the ethical implications of technology. This knowledge empowers leaders to make informed decisions and drive innovation in an increasingly tech-driven world.

Ethical Leadership

Ethical leadership is a cornerstone of effective leadership. Leaders must not only make ethical decisions but also instill a culture of ethics and integrity within their organizations. Demonstrating honesty, transparency, and accountability sets the tone for ethical behavior throughout the organization.

Communication and Collaboration

Leaders must be skilled communicators and collaborators, both within their organizations and on a global scale. Effective communication fosters trust and ensures that a leader's vision and strategy are understood and embraced by their teams. Collaborative skills enable leaders to harness the collective expertise and creativity of their teams to solve complex problems and drive innovation.


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and maintain a steady course despite challenges. Tomorrow's leaders will undoubtedly face setbacks, so resilience is essential to maintain focus and drive during challenging times.

Cultural Competence

Globalization has made it imperative for leaders to understand and appreciate diverse cultures and perspectives. Leaders with cultural competence can navigate international markets, form alliances, and create inclusive workplaces that leverage the strengths of a diverse workforce.

Future-Focused Vision

Tomorrow's leaders must be visionaries who can anticipate trends, seize opportunities, and inspire their teams with a compelling vision for the future. A forward-thinking mindset enables leaders to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

Learning Mindset

Continuous learning is an indispensable skill for leaders. Leaders must be curious, open to new knowledge, and committed to personal and professional growth. Embracing a learning mindset ensures that leaders remain adaptable and relevant in evolving landscapes.


Tomorrow's leaders face a world marked by complexity, change, and interconnectedness. To meet these challenges head-on, they must cultivate a unique skill set encompassing adaptability, emotional intelligence, digital literacy, ethical leadership, effective communication, and resilience, among others. These skills will empower leaders to not only navigate the complexities of the modern world but also inspire and lead their teams to success. By prioritizing the development of these skills, individuals can prepare themselves to be the exceptional leaders that our dynamic world demands and respects. The choice is yours, if you´re a leader. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Beyond GNP: The Importance of GNH in Understanding the Well-being of a Nation

Today, we are talking about the critical distinction between Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross National Happiness (GNH) as metrics for understanding the well-being of a nation. While GNP measures economic output, GNH provides a holistic perspective by considering the overall happiness and well-being of a society. The general understanding of modern nations is that there are limitations of relying solely on GNP as an indicator of a nation's progress and quality of life. Intelligent nations today emphasize the need for a more comprehensive approach that incorporates GNH to provide a more accurate and meaningful assessment of a nation's well-being.

While Gross National Product (GNP) has long been a prominent indicator used to gauge the economic performance of nations this seems outdated in today's world. To obtain a more holistic understanding of a nation's overall quality of life, Gross National Happiness (GNH) has emerged as a complementary metric that considers the well-being and contentment of its citizens. 

The Limitations of GNP

GNP, which measures the total economic output of a nation, focuses primarily on economic growth. While it offers valuable insights into a country's financial health and productivity, it has several limitations when it comes to assessing overall well-being:

2.1. Neglect of Social and Environmental Factors: GNP does not account for social factors, such as healthcare, education, or income distribution, which are essential components of well-being. Additionally, it does not consider the environmental impact of economic activities.

2.2. Ignoring Income Inequality: GNP does not distinguish between nations with high income inequality and those with more equitable income distribution, which can greatly affect the well-being of a society.

2.3. Failure to Reflect Happiness: GNP does not address the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals, failing to capture the happiness and satisfaction of the population.

The Emergence of GNH

The concept of Gross National Happiness, introduced by the King of Bhutan in the 1970s, provides a comprehensive approach to well-being. GNH encompasses nine domains, including psychological well-being, health, education, time use, cultural diversity and resilience, good governance, community vitality, and ecological diversity and resilience. It recognizes that economic growth alone is insufficient to ensure the well-being and happiness of a nation's citizens.

The Importance of GNH

Incorporating GNH alongside GNP offers several benefits in understanding the well-being of a nation:

4.1. A Holistic Perspective: GNH provides a broader view of well-being by considering not only economic factors but also social, cultural, environmental, and psychological aspects.

4.2. A Focus on Sustainable Development: GNH encourages sustainable practices that protect the environment and maintain societal harmony, contributing to long-term well-being.

4.3. Measuring Happiness: GNH measures the happiness and contentment of citizens, providing insight into the quality of life experienced by the population.

4.4. Policy Guidance: By considering GNH, governments can develop policies that prioritize the well-being of their citizens, leading to a more equitable and satisfying society.


In the quest to understand the well-being of a nation, it is essential to move beyond GNP and incorporate the concept of GNH. The limitations of GNP, with its exclusive focus on economic output, necessitate the adoption of a more holistic approach. By considering Gross National Happiness alongside economic metrics, we can gain a more accurate and meaningful assessment of a nation's well-being. This approach promotes the idea that a nation's success should be measured not only by its economic prosperity but also by the happiness and well-being of its people. Ultimately, by embracing both GNP and GNH, we can create a more balanced and prosperous society that values the holistic well-being of its citizens. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Greed - you can work on this too.

Greed, the insatiable desire for excessive wealth or power, has profound consequences on individuals, societies, and the world at large. Today, we´ll explore the detrimental effects of greed, both on a personal and societal level, highlighting how it can alienate individuals from meaningful connections and lead to disastrous consequences. By understanding the perils of greed, individuals can strive for a more balanced and fulfilling approach to life. 

The Personal Cost of Greed

Greed can have a profound impact on an individual's life:

a. Eroding Relationships: The single-minded pursuit of wealth or power can strain personal relationships. Greed often prioritizes material gain over emotional connections, leading to isolation and loneliness.

b. Diminished Well-Being: Constantly chasing more can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and even depression. The toll on mental and physical health can be significant.

c. Ethical Dilemmas: Greed may tempt individuals to compromise their ethics and engage in unethical or illegal activities, jeopardizing their reputation and freedom.

The Societal Impact of Greed

Greed also affects society as a whole:

a. Economic Inequality: The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few can lead to economic inequality, which can result in social unrest and instability.

b. Erosion of Trust: Societies characterized by rampant greed often suffer from a lack of trust between individuals and institutions, hindering progress and cooperation.

c. Environmental Degradation: Greed-driven exploitation of natural resources can lead to environmental degradation, impacting future generations.

Finding Balance and Overcoming Greed

Overcoming greed requires a conscious effort to cultivate balance and ethical values:

a. Self-awareness: Reflect on your motivations and priorities. Recognize when the pursuit of wealth or power is overshadowing other aspects of your life.

b. Gratitude: Practice gratitude to appreciate what you already have, fostering contentment and reducing the desire for excessive accumulation.

c. Ethical Values: Establish a strong moral compass and stick to it. Ethical considerations should guide your decisions and actions.

d. Contribution and Generosity: Contribute to your community and society through acts of kindness and generosity. Sharing your resources can be immensely rewarding.

e. Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices to stay present and in control of your desires and impulses.

f. Therapy. talking can help identify how/ where /when greedy patterns developed, creating awareness and thus the possibility to work on/ improve these patterns in order to lead a more full-filling life.

Greed, with its destructive consequences on individuals and society, can indeed leave one out of the game of life. It is essential to recognize the pitfalls of excessive desire for wealth or power and to strive for a more balanced and ethically grounded approach to success. By embracing gratitude, ethical values, and a commitment to contributing positively to the world, individuals can break free from the grip of greed and lead more fulfilling, meaningful lives while positively impacting the communities and societies in which they live. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Evolving Emotionally: personal growth

Today, we'll explore the concept of emotional evolution, the factors that influence it, and practical strategies to foster emotional growth. By understanding and actively engaging in this transformative journey, individuals can enhance their emotional intelligence, resilience, and interpersonal relationships, leading to a more fulfilling and enriched life experience. 

Emotional evolution, often referred to as emotional growth or development, is the ongoing journey of enhancing one's emotional intelligence, conducive to well-being. It involves gaining insight into one's emotions, understanding their origins, and actively working to manage and improve them. Emotional evolution is a vital aspect of personal growth, as it impacts an individual's relationships, mental health, and overall quality of life.  


Understanding Emotions

To evolve emotionally, one must first develop a deep understanding of emotions. Emotions are complex, multifaceted experiences that arise in response to various stimuli. They play a crucial role in decision-making, social interactions, and self-awareness. Recognizing and labeling emotions accurately is the foundation of emotional growth.

Factors Influencing Emotional Evolution

Several factors influence an individual's emotional evolution:

a. Self-awareness: Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It is a fundamental building block of emotional intelligence and personal growth.

b. Emotional intelligence (EI): EI encompasses a range of skills, including empathy, self-regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Developing EI is essential for emotional evolution.

c. Life experiences: Our experiences, both positive and negative, shape our emotional responses and contribute to our growth. Reflecting on these experiences and learning from them is crucial for personal development.

d. Relationships: Interactions with others play a significant role in emotional evolution. Healthy relationships provide opportunities for empathy, communication, and conflict resolution.

Practical Strategies for Emotional Evolution

To facilitate emotional growth, individuals can implement the following strategies:

a. Self-reflection: Regularly engage in self-reflection to better understand your emotions, triggers, and patterns of behavior. Journaling can be a helpful tool for this purpose.

b. Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can enhance emotional awareness and regulation. These techniques promote a present-focused, non-judgmental attitude towards one's thoughts and emotions.

c. Seek feedback: Solicit feedback from trusted friends, family members, or mentors to gain insight into your emotional strengths and areas for improvement.

d. Learn from setbacks: Embrace failure and setbacks as opportunities for growth. Analyze what went wrong, how you felt, and how you can adapt and improve in the future.

e. Therapy: Consider seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to address deep-rooted emotional issues or trauma that may be hindering your growth.

f. Practice empathy: Develop empathy by actively listening to others, trying to understand their perspectives, and considering their emotions.


Emotional evolution is a lifelong journey that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth. By understanding the factors that influence emotional growth and implementing practical strategies, individuals can enhance their emotional intelligence, navigate life's challenges more effectively, and cultivate healthier relationships. Embracing emotional evolution leads to a more fulfilling and enriched life experience, ultimately contributing to personal well-being and happiness.