Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thirty Something

You know that song "Paradise" by Coldplay? there is a part that says: "life goes on, it gets so heavy..."

After thirty, people start to have issues. Not that we don't have them before but when we're twenty, for example, who cares if we screw up? I mean isn't that what young people do? At thirty, however, it's a different story and we become more demanding of ourselves. We expect something more from our lives.

Deep conversations with people in their thirties, friends mostly, have led me to realise the diversity of needs and wishes that people have:

- Some are looking for a partner.

- Some people want to quit their jobs and get a ticket to go see the world.

- Some are looking for a job (or a better job)

- Some are looking for a new apartment or house.

- Some want a husband who is more connected to the family.

- Some people want to make more money.

- Others want a divorce.

- Some people want kids.

- Some people want to fall in love with their partner all over again.

- Some men want their wives to work or study or just do something different than spend all day with the kids.

- Some want to have sex with their wives again.

- Some people don't know what they want.

Those are just some examples, but the important thing, I think, is to not feel alone in whatever your "search" is. Just remember that there are many people in their thirties with issues just like you. Remember also, that there is a direct link between how we see the world, the actions we take and the results we get.

Once we understand this, we are free to make the change or changes that will bring us closer to our truest wishes and needs.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


She's told me that I'm "the sister she never had" imagine what a thrill that is.

She makes me laugh until tears fall out and my stomach hurts. She makes fun of me when I'm too serious. She questions me. Sometimes, she makes me think that I'm brilliant and sometimes that my ideas are too naïf.

She trusts me and tells me everything openly and honestly.

She believes in me.

Her heart is infinite. If I say that I like her shoes she'll ask if I'd like to change them for mine. If you like a lamp or even a piece of furniture in her house, she will say "take it".
She gives for the pleasure of giving.

We've studied and worked together and she has always challenged me when I have not met her expectations (or my own) because she expects more, because she knows I am capable of more and does not want me to settle for less. She is passionate about the things she does and does not like mediocrity.

When I have a negative view of myself, she gives me thoughtful words, she cheers me up, or she's simply there.

I met her in class at the university. I was lucky.

Every year we travel to "some" place. We meet, we choose the place and after a short time, we're gone!

Last year I had surgery. When I was about to receive anesthesia, the doctor told me: "Now think of something nice" and I saw my friend! Yes, I saw both of us in a convertible car going from Carmel to San Francisco. We were singing and laughing. I imagined I had a handkerchief in my head, and that it flew. Eventually, we took this trip and it was better than I had imagined.

If I had to "think of something nice" again, I would imagine us dancing. She dances with this same step since we were 20; one hand up in the air, perhaps a drink in her other hand and always a smile in her face as she moves to the rhythm of the music.

Last November we went to Barcelona. She posted a few photos of our trip but I wanted to add more words to those photos. On that trip, we were lucky to meet other friends. Good friends, like us. We all met on a train, on our way to a bike tour of the vineyards in Spain. The four of us became close friends (you know, depth of friendship does not entirely depend on how long you know someone) and spent almost every day together til our journey ended. One of them lived in Washington D.C. and was visiting the other who was living in Barcelona. On a cold Saturday afternoon we separated from our new friends. It was time for everyone to part. It was weird to say bye.

On our way to the airport my friend was quiet. I thought she was sleepy but later on she said that she was feeling a bit emotional; that as we drove away from the city in the taxi, she re-lived every moment of our trip.

I think friends are a gift and I am thankful for the few, good ones that I have and for the memories that we create together.


Post by: Valeria Mendez Cañas

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I heart El Xampanyet

The best part of a journey is the people you meet along the way. And the food.

Photo above is brunch at PICNIC

Thursday, November 3, 2011


How beautiful is that action that produces a strange and invigorating reaction in your entire body? A reaction that is physical, psychological and chemical at the same time and that changes the way you feel? "Laughter is a funny sound but when I laugh it’s a great feeling. " - Billy Crystal.

Statistics from a recent study show that children laugh about 300 times a day while adults only laugh about 10 to 15 times a day. This result is a bit worrying, no? I relate laughter with how well we are, ourselves.

When you laugh, according to Freud, the ego seeks to find pleasure and refuses to accept suffering that comes from the outside world.

According to Victor Frankl “Humor can provide the necessary distance to overcome any situation, even for a few seconds. “Attempts of developing a sense of humor, to see things in a humorous light are a trick I learned while we mastered the art of living, for, even in a concentration camp, it is possible to master the art of living ". - VF

Laughter is a privilege that men do not share with any other species, it seems; it is possibly the last thing to be lost. Once, a man was sentenced to death in Texas and as they were about to sit him in the electric chair someone asked him if he wanted a cigarette. He replied: 'No thanks, I'm trying to quit smoking' ... #okay

Laughter is cathartic, like dancing, it produces a break in the situations, it is pure profit. Laughter changes the look that you have on the self, raises self-esteem, develops hope, stimulates creativity, makes you younger, healthier and improves your relationships with others.

So ... why not laugh more and take things a little less seriously!

In this photo: Mich and Julia

Thursday, October 6, 2011

closed doors and open hearts

Almacén Secreto

A few years ago closed- door restaurants began to open in Buenos Aires.

Young chefs began to open the doors of their houses with the idea of treating guests with a delicious home-made meal, sharing nice conversation and allowing people to interact with people they don’t know. Sometimes, guests can also enjoy wine tasting, acoustic music shows and art exhibitions before, during or after dinner.

The first one we went to is Casa Saltshaker. We enjoyed a delicious dinner in a relaxed and intimate atmosphere. There were just two or three tables, so it was a nice opportunity to meet and chat with strangers from other places. We shared a table with a couple from Chicago and had a very nice time chatting with them.

These closed door restaurants are accessed by recommendation, naturally.

The proposals are varied. Some open weekends only and others on weekdays. Reservations are required.

If you have not been to one these closed- door restaurants yet, here is a list we put together.

Treinta Sillas
Freire y F. Lacroze, Belgrano.

Diego Felix. They like to experiment with exotic flavors, spices and Latin-American scents.

La Cocina Discreta

Casa SaltShaker

Almacen Secreto. North West, Argentina cuisine.
Aguirre 1242, Villa Crespo.

Caracoles para Da Vinci
Hidalgo 878, Villa Crespo

Casa Coupage. Haute Argentinian Cuisine
Soler 5518, Colegiales.

Enjoy!! xo

Monday, August 22, 2011

If you like Italian

This time in Punta del Este, I discovered L'Incanto in the heart of Punta's Gourmet hub. It’s about a year old. Joining La Bourgogne and Le Table de Jean Paul - among other prestigious restaurants in this part of the peninsula, L'Incanto definitely lives up to its name: the charm

L'Incanto integrates warm, intimate interiors with gorgeous gardens, water, stone and wood. The outdoor area is ideal for eating on a nice summer night. Or, you can go to a semi-covered area during winter, good for an after dinner cocktail-

check out the bar (it's empty cause we were the last ones to leave, lol)

The menu includes pasta, risotto, meat, fish and a good wine list. We tried their salmon gravlax, steak, pizza and a chocolate volcano with berries, sprinkled with mint. It was all good.

I'm happy to see that Punta del Este is expanding its cuisine options.

We liked L’Incanto and will be going back for more. We hope you like it too. 

Address: Pedragosa Sierra Esquina La Paloma.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


As winter has finally arrived in Buenos Aires, we figure it’s nice to spend some time indoors. Cooking is the activity that comes to mind with this cold weather, or... shall we say... eating!

If you are interested in improving your culinary skills, Lucullus, the Gastronomic French Association in Buenos Aires, is hosting its Winter Cuisine Cycle. These cycles, this year, are three, being this the second one. Next one will take place during the spring. Here is the program for the rest of the week. In case you would like to attend.

Wed. July 20, 8 p.m.
Olivier Falchi, Le Sud chef, in Hotel Sofitel (Arroyo 841, Recoleta)
“Soups and Veloutés ”

Thur. July 21, 8 p.m.
La Cave à Vin- French wineries in Argentina in Escuela Vatel (Paraguay 1583)
French wine and Champagne tasting

Fri. July 22, 8 p.m.
Jean-Paul Bondoux, La Bourgogne's chef and owner & Jérôme Mathe, Le Café des Arts chef (Figueroa Alcorta 3415, Palermo)
“14 Juillet, Specialties from our provinces”

Sat. July 23, 10 a.m.
Bruno Gillot, L’Épi Boulangerie's chef inEscuela de Pastelería (Corrientes 4367, Cap.Fed.)
Pastries: “Puff paste and apples”

Sat. July 23, 2 p.m.
Olivier Hanocq, L’Épi Boulangerie's chef in Escuela de Pastelería (Corrientes 4367, Cap.Fed.)
Pastries: “Chocolate bombons”

Sat July 23, 7 p.m.
Toufic Reda and Emiliano Di Nisi, Tô Buenos Aires' executive chefs (Costa Rica 6000, Palermo)
“Garnishes and chutneys in Frapanese Cuisine”