Some people ask why
Punta del Este vacation rentals cost so much, so I thought I'd write a little about prices, why I think some things cost what they cost and why
renting a property in Punta del Este is not so easy on the pocket.
When you pay (what you consider) a high price for something it's usually because it has been recommended, you're familiar with the brand, like it and trust it or because your perception is that it's a good product or service and that it's worth it. For every authentic, luxurious product or service out there, there is a (not authentic) version of it at a cheap price. This, we know and this applies to almost anything you can think of: clothes, watches, wine, travel, handbags, coaches, brokers, etc.
So why not get the cheaper version? is a question that may rise. Cause deep inside we know that the cheaper version of our object of desire is not (really) our object of desire - even if at times we do end up getting the "other" version. However, if we are lucky enough to have the possibility to choose, in the end, we are most likely to choose (and support) upscale products/services.
I would, therefore, like to extend the above concept to the cost of
vacation rentals in Punta del Este without even going into details about perhaps more technical
relevant variables such as land and construction prices, demand, etc.
So what are the other aspects that make exclusive properties expensive? Aside from the fact that Punta del Este is one of the most beautiful and desirable places on earth (and, I've done a great deal of traveling, since I was ... hmmm... born?) And it's not just me. Please ask anyone. It is a magical place. And so are these beautiful houses.
Each one of these villas has been hand picked by an experienced group of people who not have not only taken the TIME to personally inspect and photograph each villa in their portfolio, but also spend a lot of time with each one of the owners of these summer homes. Some (if not most) homes belong to Curiocity's owners, friends and family so the houses are known by heart; others are strangers who kindly open their doors to Curiocity (yes, just to them).
Clients of Curiocity are not just going anywhere. We are going to a magical place. In the experience of staying in one of these homes, we discover the love and effort that each one of the owners has put into their
summer home. Each corner has a story, there are furnishings and objects from all over the world, books and music for lazy afternoons, flowers and candles, objects that have been passed from generation to generation, stunning art pieces, meticulously manicured gardens; ocean views, surrounding forests and lakes, helicopter pads. Semi-private beaches. Perfect lighting. Technology. Al- fresco dining; generous decks and swimming pools. There is soul and personality in each house. More importantly, behind each villa rental experience, there is a welcoming team of people (house staff, assistants, drivers, chefs, concierge, etc.) that wants us to feel at home and rest!
Just like other luxury products, Curiocity Villas' properties are ideal for people like us. People who love their work and work hard, people who get high on life and appreciate the good things: a nice dinner with friends, a sunset, or simply relaxing in a quiet, inspiring and private location with family, friends or your soul mate in one of the world's most beautiful places. Curiocity are always seeking unique villas that have something that makes them special. It's about memories that last. It's about emotion. And yes, the cost is on the high(er) side, but so is the experience.